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Loughborough University role is to provide the funding, resources, facilities and research expertise. It will manage the project, outcomes and deliverables.



The Principal Invesitagor  (Professor Zoe Radnor) and Co-investigator (Professor Stewart Robinson) have previously demonstrated the use of SimLean methodology to model the patient journey through hospitals. This project builds on their recent successful research project in order to carry out an independent evaluation that directly impacts on the current and future health and wellbeing agenda across a number of domains.




The involvement of Healthwatch Leicestershire in this project will ensure the capturing and defining the patient experience from the user perspective to develop measures on ‘joined up’ care.


Healthwatch is an outcome and evidence focussed service championing health and social care, working on behalf of local communities to understand what matters most to people.They also work to ensure that patient views and experiences are heard and acted upon.






Leicestershire County Council (LCC) will provide strategic and operational level management oversight, and public health expertise, to the evaluation work proposed. LCC will also lead the dissemination of findings regionally and nationally through Health and Wellbeing Board Network and the Local Government Association.


The council is in the process of delivering a £38m transformation plan to integrate health and care services for the benefit of local people.The Council is keen to develop a more comprehensive set of metrics to measure experience of integrated health and care and, ensure the interventions are effective.



SIMUL8 Corporation is the software provider and is providing the training of the wider project team.



SIMUL8 has been involved and seen the value of SimLean approach.​ A simulation is a computer model that mimics the operation of a real or proposed system, such as the day-to-day operation of a bank, the running of an assembly line in a factory, or the staff assignment of a hospital or call center. 





The Research Centre of Service Management at Loughborough University, partnering with Healthwatch Leicestershire and Leicestershire County Council, have been awarded an Enterprise Project Grant (EPG) worth £100,000 by the University’s Enterprise Office for a major new study evaluating how emergency admissions to hospitals can be reduced.
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